The Academy of the Musketeers of the Guard has an illustrious history, ever since it was formed under the auspices of Monsieur de Tréville in 1622. During that time the cadet cadres have gained their own reputation and now, twenty years later, recruits find that their cadre’s history gives them much to live up to.

Cadre Bleu
This Cadre were originally recruited around Rouen in Normandy.
Cadets of this Cadre were implicated in the massacre at the infamous siege of Privas in 1629, and as a result the Cadre was struck from the rolls and Monsieur de Tréville ordered that their names would never be spoken again.
These are different times, and there is a new captain of the Musketeers. Still, many in the court and regiments have been surprised to hear that Cadre Bleu is to be reinstated, despite the stain on its honour.
Cadre Jaune
Cadre Jaune has historically selected its recruits from amongst the wealthiest and noblest of the the families of the King’s court, drawing primarily from the lands around Paris, the Île-de-France.
Despite persistent rumours that wealth is a more important recruiting factor to the cadre than skill – something which Captain de Tréville and his successors have strongly denied – the cadets of the cadre have gone on to great and glorious honours in the service of France. Few would deny their skill, courage, or dedication.
Cadre Verte
A cadre of the finest recruits drawn from Toulouse and the surrounding regions of the Occitan.
The first cadre members were recruited from bold scouts who fought against the Spanish in 1625, when Richelieu masterminded a siege of Genoa. The campaign was a defeat, but these tireless scouts were rewarded for their part with a chance to join the Musketeers. And possibly as a snub to Richelieu.
In 1634, members of Cadre Verte were stationed at court when they accidentally uncovered a Habsburg plot to destabilise France. This began the persistent rumour that recruits to Cadre Verte were selected with an eye to their aptitude for espionage.
Cadre Violette
In the tenth century, the chivalric hero Even, Comte de Léon, created a regiment under the name of Les Lances de Bretagne from his lands in Brittany. Dedicated to the Queen, the Comte set aside a portion of his estate to pay for the training of the best from his lands in the arts of leadership, etiquette and swordplay, that they might best serve her.
Over the years much has changed, but a portion of that same bequest now goes to pay for the recruitment and training of a cadre of Musketeer cadets with the proviso that the cadets of that cadre must be dedicated to the preservation of the honour and good name of the Queen.
Cadre Rose
In the early days of the Musketeers, Cadre Marron fell from grace. Two of the cadets of Cadre Marron had been turned by agents of Spain, and poisoned their comrades in a foul act of murder. Expecting to have an easy task of assassinating the Queen, they were thwarted by servants of the Cadre and the aid of local beggars.
Cadre Marron was struck from the rolls, its reputation in tatters. However, in recognition of the great bravery of the servants and beggars, the Queen prevailed upon Captain de Tréville to form a new Cadre and to elevate her saviours to the rank of Cadet. So was Cadre Rose born, greatness coming from humble origins.
The original members of Cadre Rose came from Montauban in the Occitan; however, more recent recruits have been drawn from all over France, and it has long been seen as an aspirational goal for those with more bravery than good breeding. It is known that the current Captain of the Musketeers is well disposed towards this cadre, given his own modest beginnings.