Event Themes Policy

A Safer Experience: Game Themes and Anti-Harassment Policy

Our first priority for All for One is to make an enjoyable and welcoming experience for everyone involved. In order to make that more likely, this document gives information about game themes and attendee behaviour that are acceptable.

Attendees who act in ways prohibited by this document will be given a warning by the organisers and asked to adjust that behaviour. If they do not, they will be asked to leave the game. In serious cases, especially where the organisers are concerned with the wellbeing of other attendees, they may be asked to leave the game immediately.

Game Themes

All for One contains some central themes which have the potential to cause upset if not approached carefully. This document has two purposes:

  • To lay out what is and is not acceptable behaviour when interacting with other attendees
  • To ensure that everybody has a clear understanding of the themes on which the game will be based, and on the themes which will not be a part of the game.

We are also aware that the attendee base is likely to contain people from different nations, with widely varied experience from varied LARPing cultures, so we felt it important to lay out some ground rules to make our expectations clear.

We have rated the themes below according to how they fit into All for One:

  • Green themes are central to the game – you should expect to encounter them, and they are areas attendees are encouraged to explore in play.
  • Amber themes are not excluded from the game but are not central and require more sensitivity. You should check-in out of character with other attendees before bringing these topics into your play with them.
  • Red themes are not part of the game and must not be brought into it.

We will run a short workshop before the game starts to go through these themes to ensure they are fresh in everybody’s minds.

While the green themes do encourage some forms of discrimination based on characters’ characteristics (e.g. nationality) – it remains unacceptable to discriminate on Out-Of Character characteristics of attendees. If you wish to scream insults at another character, find insults which do not reference characteristics the attendee did not choose (e.g. race or body shape.)

Green Themes

Central to the game. You are likely to see this within the game, and this is something attendees are welcome to explore.


This is time of conflict, and as such, there are people from all over the world coming to France to fight for different causes, either overtly or clandestinely. This is naturally the source of much interest to the French, and while many are curious about their new foreign friends, there are also culture clashes and out and out xenophobic responses. Choosing to play someone from another country is fine, but be aware you may come up against some negative reactions.


(participating in fights and talking about them)

There will be violent episodes within play, although this will be Hollywood levels of violence, as found in a Swashbuckling Classic, not a slash or horror film. However, in-game deaths of characters may happen. There may also be simulated injuries during the game.

It is natural that characters who have seen extreme levels of violence and destruction will want to share this with their friends. What would any evening be without the recounting of battle stories, tales of daring-do and great escapes?

Amber Themes

These topics are not excluded from the game, but require sensitivity. You must approach other attendees Out Of Character and gain their permission before playing on these topics with them.


It is entirely within the genre to play a drunkard. However, we do not expect attendees to become so inebriated during play as to affect the enjoyment or safety of others.

If any attendee is deemed to be too inebriated to play in a manner which is safe for themselves or other attendees, they will be asked to leave public spaces and rest quietly in their room until they are safe to re-join the game. If such a request is refused or ignored, they may be asked to leave.

Players who choose to play their character as inebriated should do so with care.

Physical Contact: Violent

Violent contact between characters is entirely likely and to be expected. It may, with the consent of the attendees involved include unarmed brawling. At some point before combat you MUST check in with the other attendees and ensure that everybody is comfortable with the idea of fighting, as well as exactly what sort of contact you are all happy with. Bear in mind attendees that may have come from a variety of LARP traditions and may be used to assuming very different levels of physicality when acting out combats.

Physical Contact: Romantic

Before initiating any physical contact with another character, you must approach them Out of Character and establish mutual consent.

Religious intolerance

Please endeavour to avoid specifically religious themes in abuse aimed at rebels against the King. The fact they sympathise with the English should be sufficient to insult and despise them.

Red Themes

These themes are not acceptable within our game in any form. Anybody playing on them will be warned, and may be asked to leave the game.


We may have attendees with real-life conditions which require mobility aids, assistive technology etc. who do not wish disability to be a theme of their character’s game. Therefore, injured or disabled characters will be introduced at workshops during the game. Any other disabilities should pass without comment.


This has no place within our game. Relationships between characters of any gender are entirely acceptable.


We do not consider than this is a topic we can approach faithfully and sensitively, whilst also making it enjoyable for everyone. Therefore, please do not bring up topics of race. Xenophobia is acceptable, as stated above.

This means that your character can dislike another character due to their country of origin, but not due to any physical characteristic of the attendee.

Sexual Assault, Non-Consensual Sex, Sex With Minors

These have no place in our game. Neither references to these topics, nor trying to play through scenes like rape or threats of sexual violence will be permitted.


This is an alternative, fictional past where all genders are equally valued as soldiers. Women can be musketeers, and no comment need be passed on that. It’s not unusual, or out of the ordinary. Your character may be male, female or non-binary. This should not be an issue within play. Your character’s gender presentation does not have to match yours. Sexualised insults should not be used.


Attendees of any gender may be playing. Please assume these characters are female, male, or non-binary respectively depending on the presentation they choose.

Anti-harassment Policy

We’ve implemented an anti-harassment policy (an official rule stating that personal harassment will not be tolerated at All for One) in response to reports of harassment at LARP events worldwide. We believe it’s good to make it clear what we expect of all attendees, crew and support staff.

All for One is dedicated to providing a safe, fun experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion. All attendees at AfO are expected to treat other attendees, guests, staff, and the general public with respect. Physical and verbal harassment and sexual assault will not be tolerated.

If an attendee engages in harassing behaviour, the organisers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the event with no refund, and in some cases, involving the police.

What is harassment? / What would we like to prevent and control at All for One?

Some examples of harassment include:

    • offensive verbal comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race or religion
    • explicit or illegal sexual images in public spaces
    • deliberate intimidation of an attendee (however, attempted intimidation of characters is to be expected in game)
    • unwanted stalking or following of persons
    • harassing photography or unwanted recording of persons on devices
    • sustained disruption of play
    • inappropriate physical contact
    • unwelcome attention, including sexual remarks, jokes, or taunting, leering, prolonged intimidating staring or suggestive gestures

Please note this list is not exhaustive. Participants asked to stop any harassing behaviour are expected to comply immediately.

We accept that there are behaviours which may be acceptable in game play which we would find unacceptable in real life. For this reason, we will use the YES MEANS YES system of consent. Before you undertake any activity which another attendee may feel uncomfortable with, obtain their enthusiastic consent. In some cases there may be specific game terms to indicate that you are asking for and giving consent, eg “En Garde!” to initiate a duel and “Have at you!” to reciprocate. It you are in any doubt, ask off-game/OOC first.

If you find any of the actions of another attendee unsettling, feel free to drop out of character at any point and ask them to stop. If they do not stop, please speak to an organiser.

It is fine to ask someone once if they would like to do something. If they refuse, continuing to ask is pestering them and will be viewed as harassment. If someone asks you to leave them alone, do so.

What should I do if I am being harassed/witness someone else being harassed?
In some cases you may find the harassment stops if you clearly say ‘no’ or ‘leave me alone’, or simply walk away. We would appreciate it if an organiser is informed however, to help us identify any repeat offenders. If you do not feel safe to challenge such behaviour, walk away and report it to an organiser.

If you continue to be harassed or notice someone else being harassed, please notify the organisers. We will be happy to help you contact law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe during the event.

Each ticket we sell or allocate for All for One comes with the conditions that the attendee must comply with our anti-harassment policy, and that we reserve the right to refuse entry. When we exercise this right, we are not obliged to give a reason. Exercising this right does not imply that we are accusing the person barred from entry of breaching our policies or of other discreditable behaviour.

The reasons we may exercise this right include, but are not limited to, reasonable belief that a person:

  • has breached our anti-harassment policy in All for One spaces (including online ‘spaces’ where All for One is being discussed)
  • will pose a risk to the safety of other attendees if they attend, specifically by breaching our anti-harassment policy at the event

All concerns and requests regarding potential attendees will be taken seriously, listened to and discussed fully by multiple members of the senior management team.

We will respond to any concerns raised with an acknowledgement, by whatever means of communication are deemed appropriate, while the concerns raised are considered, followed by a response detailing our decision, once discussions are concluded.

Any evidence submitted will be carefully considered. Should further evidence come to our attention after a decision is made, it will also be considered, and the decision revised if necessary.

Anyone working on All for One who has a relationship, personal or professional, with the person whose attendance we have been asked to consider, will recuse themselves from the discussion, leaving the other management staff to make a fair and balanced decision, based on the evidence available. If there are insufficient staff available to make a decision, we may consider appointing a trusted outside party to review claims.

Any concerns expressed will be considered in terms of safety of attendees, with reference to our anti-harassment policy. If there is documented evidence that the person has expressed views or behaved in a way which directly contravene our anti-harassment policy, and we judge that they would be likely to behave in a manner (including speech) contravening that policy, should they attend, we will look at either barring or restricting their attendance. Since this is about direct behaviour by the individual, we will not exclude someone solely because they have worked with, interviewed or otherwise interacted with someone whose attendance we would prohibit.


If you wish to complain about the behaviour of another attendee, please contact Rachel Thomas or Harry Harrold in person, via the Facebook event group, or email allforone@larpx.com.

Attendees acting in violation of the policies outlined above, or causing distress or discomfort to other attendees, will be warned once and asked to leave the game if their behaviour continues. In serious cases, where the facts are beyond reasonable doubt, attendees may be removed from the game immediately.

If something has happened that makes you uncomfortable we can talk to anyone else involved. We are happy to do so, even if you haven’t communicated this to them, since that is not always easy to do. We will listen to what you think would help. You don’t have to know what would help.

Examples of things we can do:

  • communicate to others that there is a problem.
  • ask for an apology
  • ask them to leave you alone
  • require them to not be where you are
  • exclude them from the rest of All for One
  • ban them from future events

These will be implemented at the discretion of the All for One team. Breaches of this code of conduct or reasonable requests will, in most cases, be met with a warning from a member of the organising team. The organiser’s decision is final.